박상수 (PARK Sang-Soo), 朴尙洙
- Position
- Professor
- Phone Number
- 02-3290-2045
- Research Areas
- Chinese modern and contemporary history
- Office
- 3-510B
- Degree
- Doctor
- psangsoo@korea.ac.kr
Colleges/Universities Attended Principal Subject Dates of Study Degree/Year Awarded Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales(E.H.E.S.S) in Paris, France Doctoral Course:History of Chinese Communist Party and Secret Societies 1997-10-01 to 2002-12-18 PhD/2002 Department of History, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China Advanced Studies:History of Chinese Communist Party and Secret Societies 1999-03-01 to 1999-08-30 Certificate/1999 Centre Audiovisuel de Royan pour l’Etude des Langues (CAREL) , Université de Poitier, France Intensive course of French Language/Preparation for University 1996-09-30 to 1997-09-19 Certificate/1997 Institute of Modern Chinese History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China Advanced Studies:History of Chinese Communist Revolution 1995-09-01 to 1996-08-30 Certificate/1996 Department of History, Korea University, Seoul, Korea Doctoral course:Chinese Modern History 1992-03-01 to 1994-02-25 Certificate of Completion of Doctoral Course/1994 Department of History, Korea University, Seoul, Korea Chinese Modern History 1988-03-01 to 1990-08-17 Master of Arts/1990 Department of History, Korea University, Seoul, Korea History 1984-03-01 to 1988-02-25 Bachelor of Arts/1988
Professional Experience and Awards
HONORS, AWARDS, Scholarships 1. Harvard-Yenching Institute Fellowship, Harvard Yenching Institute, USA: 2014-2015 “Urban Governance of Neighborhood Space in Mao's Era, 1949-1976" 2. HK(Humanities Korea) Grant, Ministry of Education, KOREA: November 2008 to August 2017 “동북아시아의 초국가적 공간 : 사상, 사회문화, 제도의 교류와 재구성”[The Transnational Space of Northeast Asia: Intellectual and Socio-cultural Exchanges, Institutional Interactions, and their Restructuring] 3. Research grant of Toyota Foundation, JAPAN: July 2005 to June 2007 “植民地・占領地の「協力」の比較研究―韓国、中国、満州、台湾、ベトナムの事例とヨッロパの経験―” [Comparative Studies on 'Collaboration' during the Japanese Occupation and Colonization in Korea, China, Manchuria, Taiwan, and Vietnam as well as Experiences in Europe] 4. Excellent Scholarly Book of the Year Award, Ministry of Culture, KOREA, 2007 중국혁명과 비밀결사 [China’s Revolution and Secret Societies], Seoul: Siman Publishing Co., 2006. 5. Excellent Research Result of the Year Award, Korea Research Foundation, 2006. "20世纪三四十年代中共在陕甘宁边区与哥老会关系论析 [On the Relations of CCP and Gelaohui(Elder Brothers' Society) in the Shaan-Gan-Ning in the 1930s and 1940s]",近代史研究 Jindaishi Yanjiu(中国社会科学院近代史研究所)No. 6, December 2005 6. Scholarship of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, FRANCE: September 1996 to August 2000 7. Research grant for Chinese studies, Yeonkang Foundation, Doosan Group, KOREA: September 1995 to August 1996
1. Authored. 중국혁명과 비밀결사 [China’s Revolution and Secret Societies, 1930s-1940s] , Seoul: Siman Publishing Co., 2006 2. Edited and Introduced. 동북아의 이주와 초국가적 공간 [Migration and Transnational Spaces in North East Asia] , Asiatic Research Institute, Korea University, 2010 3. Edited and co-authored. 동아시아, 인식지평과 실천공간 [East Asia: Space of Theory and Praxis] , Asiatic Research Institute , Korea University, 2010 4. Edited and co-authored. 식민지 점령지하 협력자 집단과 논리 비교 [Comparative Studies on the Collaborators and their Arguments during the Occupation and Colonization] , Seoul: Sunin, 2009 5. Co-authored. 중국의 변강 인식과 갈등 [China’s Perception on the Border Land and its Conflicts with Neighbors] , Hansin University Press, 2007 6. Co-authored. 동아시아 근대 ‘네이션’ 개념의 수용과 변용 [Perception and Appropriation of Nation Conception in Modern East Asia] , Seoul: Koguryo Yongu Foundation, 2005 ■ Translations 1. 중국현대사 [Contemporary History of China] , Seoul: Simsan Publishing Co., 2009 (Translation of Marie-Claire BERGERE, La Chine: de 1949 à nos jours , Paris: Armand Colin, 2000) 2. 중국 소비에트운동사 [China’s Soviet Movement] , Seoul: Koryowon, 1994 (Translation of Trygve Lötveit, Chinese Communism, 1931-1934: Experience in Civil Government, Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograph Series, n° 16, London and Malmö: Curzon Press Ltd, 1979 (second edition))
Journal Articles
Refereed Journal articles 1. "20世纪三四十年代中共在陕甘宁边区与哥老会关系论析 [On the Relations of CCP and Gelaohui(Elder Brothers' Society) in the Shaan-Gan-Ning in the 1930s and 1940s]", 近代史研究 Jindaishi Yanjiu (中国社会科学院近代史研究所)No.6, December 2005 2. “ 近代中国城市史研究之回顾与瞻望 [Retrospect and Prospect: The Studies of Modern Chinese Urban History]”, 城市史研究 Chengshi Shi Yanjiu (天津社会科学院历史研究所),No. 29, December 2013 3. "日中戰爭期における中國人協力者(Chinese Collaborators)――硏究視点の省察 [Understanding Chinese Collaborators during the Sino-Japanese War: Review and Reflection on the Existing Literature]", 中國硏究月報 Chugoku kenkyu geppo , Vol. 66, No. 11, November 2012 4. “동아시아 근대 ‘아시아主義’ 讀法: 系譜, 類型, 層位 [How to Understand the Pan-Asianism in Modern East Asia: Genealogy, Typology and Horizon]”, The Journal of Asiatic Studies , No. 4, Vol. 56, December 2013 5. “중화인민공화국 초기 北京 基層 거버넌스 체제의 구축 ― 도시 街道의 국가와 사회, 1949-1954 ―[Formation of Urban Basic-level Governance System, Beijing, 1949-1954: State and Society in the Neighborhood(街道) Space]”, Dongyang sahak Yongu(Journal of Asian Historical Studies) , June 2013 6. “근대 동아시아 공간의 중국인 이주―구조적 배경을 중심으로 ―[Chinese Emigration in Modern Times East Asia: Focusing on the Structural Background]”, Sa-Chong , No. 75, January 2010. 7. "階級과 共和 ― 중국공산당의 ‘共和國’ 구상의 변천 ― [Class and 'Republic'(共和): The Evolution of the CCP's Conception on the Building of the Republic]", Korean Studies of Modern Chinese History , No. 52, December 2011 8. "戰後 ‘漢奸’ 재판과 한간의 對日 협력론 ― 재판 정황과 ‘협력적 민족주의’ ― [On the Nationalist Government's “Hanjian”(Chinese Traitors) Trials after the Sino-Japanese War and Their Collaborative Nationalism]", Korean Studies of Modern Chinese History , No. 47, September 2010 9. "한국발 ‘동아시아론’의 인식론 검토: 동아시아 연구, ‘초국가적 공간’으로부터 접근하자 [An Epistemological Analysis on Korean ‘East Asian Discourse’: Suggesting Researches on ‘East Asian Transnational Space’]", The Journal of Asiatic Studies , No. 1, Vol. 53, March 2010 10. "중일전쟁 종결 후 국민정부의 ‘漢奸’ 재산 처리 [On the Nationalist Government's Dealing with "Chinese Traitors"(Hanjian漢奸) Property after the Sino-Japanese War]", Korean Studies of Modern Chinese History , No. 44, December 2009 11. "최근 중국 학계의 韓•中 관계사 연구 시각과 논점 - 1992년 修交 以後를 중심으로 – [Analytical Approaches on Recent Chinese Studies on the History of Modern Sino-Korean Relations]", Daegu Sahak (The Daegu Historical Review), No. 95, May 2009 12. "루시엥 비앙코, 중국 농민의 '자발적' 집단행동 Lucien Bianco, Chinese Peasantry's Spontaneous Collective Action]", History and Culture , No. 15, March 2008 13. "1920-30년대 중국 서남지역 농촌의 神兵 운동 -농민 집단행동의 원인• 형태 및 근대 혁명운동과의 관계['Divine Soldiers'(神兵) Movement in South-West China during the 1920s and 1930s]", Korean Studies of Modern Chinese History , No. 35, September 2007 14. "중일전쟁 전후 대일 협력자 ‘汪精衛集團’의 형성(1928-1938) [Formation of Pro-Japanese Collaborator 'Wang Jingwei group' around the outbreak of Sino-Japanese War, 1928-1938]", Sa-Chong , No. 65, September 2007 15. "중국의 친일 '漢奸' 淸算 一考 - 사법적 처벌과 대중 운동을 통한 청산 – [On the Purge of Pro-Japanese Chinese Traitors (Hanjian): Judicial Punishment vs. Mass Movement Purge]", Chung Kuk Hak Po(Journal of Chinese Studies) , No. 55, June 2007 16. "식민지• 점령지 협력자 형성의 면면 - 일제하 한국, 중국, 만주, 베트남 및 독일 치하 유럽의 경험 비교 - [The Formation of Collaborators in Comparative Perspectives: Korea, China Proper, Manchuria, Vietnam and Europe]", The Journal of Asiatic Studies , No. 4, Vol. 49, December 2006 17. "중일전쟁기 화북의 대일 '협력자' : 국내정치의 역학관계를 통해 본 협력정권의 형성 [The North China's Collaborators during the Sino-Japanese War: Formation of Collaborationist Regime in View of the Domestic Political Context]", The Journal of Asiatic Studies , No. 4, Vol. 49, December 2006 18. "중국 근현대 다중형태의 국가권력 - 국가-사회 관계를 통해 본 국가권력의 변천 – [Polymorphous State Power of Modern and Contemporary China]", Chung Kuk Hak Po(Journal of Chinese Studies) , No. 53, June 2006 19. "중국 근대 '民族國家'(nation-state)의 창조와 '逸疆' 문제 The Invention of Chinese Modern Nation-State and Border Land", Chung Kuk Hak Po(Journal of Chinese Studies) , No. 52, December 2005 20. "중일전쟁기 중국공산당 권력의 성장과 지역사회[The Rise of the Chinese Communist Power and Local Society during the Sino-Japanese War]", The Journal of Asiatic Studies , Vol. 48, No. 4, December, 2005 21. "국가권력, 자율적 지역권력 그리고 초기 공산당 활동[State Power, Autonomous Local Power and the Early CCP Activities]", Korean Studies of Modern Chinese History , No. 28, December 2005 22. "1920-30년대 중국 江蘇 북부의 '小刀會' - 敎門系 비밀결사와 촌락공동체의 결속력 – [Small Sword Society(Xiaodaohui) in Northern Jiangsu in the 1930s and 1940s]", Chungguksa Yongu(The Journal of Chinese Historical Researches) , No. 37, August 2005 23. "20세기 전환기 중국 네이션(nation) 개념의 형성 [The Formation of Chinese 'Nation' Conception at the Turn of 20th Century]", The Journal of Sinology , No. 19, June 2005 24. "1920년대 말~30년대 전반 중국 소비에트 경제론 분석 [The Discourse of Chinese Soviet Economy from the end of the 1920s to the First Half of the 1930s]", Sa-Chong , No. 60, March 2005 25. "20세기 전반 중국 서북지역 哥老會의 확산과 존재양상 - 농촌사회의 해체구조와 관련하여 – [Propagation and Existence Mode of Gelaohui in the Northwest of China in the First Half of the 20th Century]", Korean Studies of Modern Chinese History , No. 25, March 2005 26. "제도화 없는 노동운동 - 중국 노동운동의 역사적 퍼스펙티브 [Labor Movement without Institutionalization: The Case of China]", Chung Kuk Hak Po(Journal of Chinese Studies) , No. 50, December, 2004 27. "중국 공산주의운동 초기 中共의 비밀결사관의 변천 - 전국적 수준, 1920-1934 – [Evolution of CCP's Attitude toward the Secret Societies, 1920-1934]", Chungguksa Yongu(The Journal of Chinese Historical Researches) , No. 30, June 2004 28. "중국 서북지역 早期 공산주의 운동과 哥老會, 1928-1935 [Early Communist Movement and the Gelaohui in the Northwestern China, 1928-1935]", Yoksa Hakbo(The Korean Historical Review) , No. 181, March 2004 29. "中共의 哥老會 정치화 - 陝甘寧逸區, 1936-1937 – [Politicization of the Gelaohui by the CCP], Dongyang sahak Yongu(Journal of Asian Historical Studies) , March 2004 30. "漢學에서 社會科學으로 - 프랑스의 근현대 중국사학 [From Sinology to Social Science: French Studies on the Modern History]”, Chung Kuk Hak Po(Journal of Chinese Studies) , No. 48, December 2003 31. "중국 근현대의 국가, 사회 그리고 비밀결사 [Chinese Modern State, Society and Secret Societies]", The Journal of Asiatic Studies , No. 3, Vol. 46, October 2003 ■ Papers in Proceedings of International Conferences 1. “19-20世紀之交中國nation槪念的形成及其特徵[The Formation of ‘Nation’ Conception at the Turn of the 20th Century in China]”, 第六屆韓日兩地域中國近現代史硏究者交流會學術會議論文集 [Proceedings of the Sixth Korea-Japan Scholarly Exchange Conference on Chinese Modern and Contemporary History], Osaka: Kinki University, January 2014 2. “中國近現代國家權力の變遷[Evolution of Chinese Modern State]”, 東アジア:持續力ある對話へ [East Asia: Toward Sustainable Dialogue](Proceedings of Korea University-Nihon University Scholarly Exchange Conference), Tokyo: Nihon University, September 2013 3. “한중 수교 후 중국 학계의 한국사 한중관계사 연구 현황과 특징 [Chinese Academia’s Researches on Korean History as well as History of Sino-Korean Relationship since Sino-Korean Diplomatic Normalization]”, 中国第十三届韩国学国际研讨会论文集[Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Korean Studies], Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University, November 2012 4. “日中戦争期における中国人協力者 [Chinese Collaborators with Japan During the Sino-Japanse War, 1937-1945], in ゆらぐ<境界> ― 戦時期東アジアと日本 [Fluid ‘Borders’: East Asia and Japan during the WWII], Gakushuin Women’s University, July 2012 5.“从村落共同体的凝聚力看苏北小刀会:社会史与文化史视角 [The Sword Society in Northern Jiangsu Viewed from Rural Communal Solidarity: A Social and Cultural Point of View]”, in 第二届 中国秘密社会史国际学术研讨会论文集 [Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Secret Societies in Chinese History], Shandong University, August 2009 6. “20世纪前期西北地区秘密社会的扩散与存在模式 — 农村社会的解体与哥老会 [Propagation and Mode of Existence of Secret Societies in Northwest China in the First Half of the 20th Century: Disintegration of Rural Society and Gelaohui (Elder Brothers Society)],” in 断裂与连续:金元以来的华北社会文化国际学术研讨会论文集 [Proceedings of International Conference on Rupture and Continuity: Society and Culture of North China since Jin-Yuan Dynasties], 南开大学中国社会史研究中心, Nankai University,August 2009 7. “中国学术界对近代中韩关系史的认识 [Chinese Academia’s Perception on the Modern Sino-Korean Relationship]”, in 第九届韩国传统文化国际学术研讨会论文集 [Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Korean Traditional Culture], Zhejiang University, November 2008 8. “二十世纪三四十年代陕甘宁边区中共与哥老会关系考论 [Relationship between the CCP and Gelaohui in Shan-Gan-Ning Border Region during the 1930s and 1940s]”, in 中国近代社会与秘密社会史国际学术讨论会论文集 [Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Chinese Society and Secret Societies], Shanghai Normal University, December 2004