조명철 (Cho Myung Chul)
- Position
- Professor
- Phone Number
- 02-3290-2044
- Research Areas
- History of Japan
- Office
- 구법관 315호
- Degree
- Doctor
- chomc@korea.ac.kr
Books 『Korea-Japan Co-Research Report on History, Vol.4』, 한일역사공동위원회, 2005, (Co-author) 『War of Memory』, 이화여자대학교출판부, 2003. (Co-author) 『The Choice of the Japanese』, 다른세상, 2002. (Co-author) 『Modern and Contemporary Japanese History』, 한국방송통신대학교출판부, 2001. (Co-author) 『Invasion of Maritime Empire and Maritime Policy of Modern Chosun Dynasty』, 한국해양전략연구소, 2000. (Co-author) 『露日戰爭前後の政治と軍事-中堅層の政策構想を中心に-』, 東京大學日本史學硏究叢書3, 1996.【日本】 『Ten Chosun Governers』, 친일문제연구회, 1996. (Co-author) 『Japanese Thoughts through Disputes』, 일본사상사학회, 성균관대학교출판부, 2001. (Co-Translator) Translated Books 『Japanese Thoughts through Disputes』, 일본사상사학회, 성균관대학교출판부, 2001. (Co-Translator)
Journal Articles
Papers 「Expansion Policy and Manchurian Question in Modern Japan」, 『History of Korea-Japan Relations in East Asia』 下권, 2010 「Exploitation of China by Japan and Great Powers during the Sino-Japanese War」, 『일본연구』제 13집, 2010 「 The War and The Theory of Expansion in Modern Japan 」, 『사총』, 2008 「 Russo-Japanese War and East Asia 」, 『일본역사연구』, 2007 「 Strategic thinking on sovereignty over Dokdo -Focusing on the Japanese strategy on Dokdo 」, 『한국사학보』, 2007 「Russo-Japanese War and International Order of East Asia」, 『전쟁과 동북아의 국제질서』, 2006 「Reconsidering the Russo-Japanese War」, 『韓日軍事文化硏究』제 4집, 2006 「 Army clique to watch through the statistics in the Meiji period 」, 『日本歷史硏究』제 22집, 2005 「20世紀初 日本’s 大陸政策 and 韓國問題」, 한일역사 공동연구보고서, Vol.4, 2005. 「 The Boxer Rebellion and Development of Political Conditions in Asia -」, 『梨花史學硏究』 제29집, 2002. 「International Situation in East Asia in the early 20th century and Japan’s Continental Policy 」, 『일본역사연구』14집, 2001. 「The Establishment and Enforcement of Japanese Modern Navy」, 『海洋帝國의 侵略과 近代朝鮮의 海洋政策』, 韓國海洋戰略硏究所, 2000. 「Japan’s 皇國史觀」, 『한국사 시민강좌』28집, 일조각, 2000. 「Post-war Study of History in Japan – Popularization of History and Historical Consciousness」, 『中央史論』10/11합집, 1998. 「義和團事件and Japan’s Diplomatic Strategy」, 『日本歷史硏究』8, 1998. 「Japan’s 軍事戰略 and the Establishment of ‘國防方針’」, 『日本歷史硏究』5, 1997. 「 The Military Strategy in the Russo-Japanese War Period and the Decision Making Process of State Intention 」, 『日本歷史硏究』2, 1995. 「Politics and the military in the Russo-Japanese War period : foreign and military policy thinking of the Japanese military officers 」, 東京大學 博士學位論文, 1995.【日本】 「露日戰爭前後における陸軍中堅將校」, 東京大學 修士學位論文, 1992. 【日本】 「明治期 陸軍中堅將校に關する一硏究-上原勇作陸相擁立運動と國防方針を中心-」, 東京大學 大學阮 修士, 1990. 【日本】 「宮崎滔天’s Asia 認識 and its 實踐」, 高麗大學校 大學院, 1987.